Finishing Strong

The summer is all about fun, but if there’s a road trip in the works and you’ve experienced anything akin to driving with my family, “fun” isn’t always the first word to come to mind after three hours without a pit stop, an epic battle over music selections and more eye-spy than I care to recount. But never fear, we’ve figured it out! A good road trip kit should always include jawbreakers (more on why after this...)!
Jawbreakers (gobstoppers in the UK!) are actually a fantastic example of the panning process, commonly used in the confectionery industry. Over the course of days, sometimes even weeks, the candy is tumbled to add layer upon layer of sugary goodness. In smaller operations this is done in copper kettles but larger companies use great big drums. The mental image of a cement mixer may not seem very appetizing, but the principles are quite similar and very exciting for the candy enthusiast!
Now, we promised to tell you why jawbreakers should be in your road trip kit. There is a game that you can play when the driver (or perhaps the passengers) has hit their limit and need just a small break from the chatter: everyone pops a jawbreaker into their mouth at the exact same time and the first person to make it through their candy without chewing, is the winner! It refocuses the car and forces everyone into enjoyable silence for upwards of ten minutes at a time. Couldn’t we all use a jawbreaker every now and then?
Labels: bulk, jawbreakers
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